Select the down arrows to show meals of each section. It is recommended by INSANITY® to have one from each meal. Every Meal is included in this webtool
Hover over the for information about a specific meal.
Click over the to select a meal for that day. The meal will highlight green to show it has been selected.
Click "Save Day" and it will move to next day automatically. If you wish to skip a day of meals you may use the left and right arrows to navigate around days.
Refrain from going back on and rewriting days while making your list, if possible(will be fixed later).
Iterate through all days until finished on Saturday. After saving on Saturday or moving past it the button will change to "Get List". Clicking this will clear the page and allow you to screenshot or print page. Since planner operates offline a mailing option is not yet available.
This was done for useage with the INSANITY® workout plan by BeachBody®